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RHS reps Attended Annual Conference, Professional Committee for Corporate Development and Information, Chongqing Municipal Landscape and Garden Association.

       On 14th, December, 2012, on behalf of RHS, RHS delegation participated in Annual Conference, Professional Committee for Corporate Development and Information, Chongqing Municipal Landscape and Garden Association.

       Based on the core theme—form beautiful china and develop companies with garden style, we initially learned the governmental paper issued by ministry of housing and construction on rural and urban areas, guideline on how to promote the development of afforested undertaking to urban garden, and then exchanged ideas and proposals around it, moreover, the speech from Chongqing Hua xianzi environmental preservation engineering Co., Ltd. Is very wonderful, they not only showcased the principle, structure, outputs and engineering images relevant to latest product, but also appeal everyone to integrate the environmentally friendly theory into each phase, including planning, design, construction and maintenance, so as to send welfare to all society and descendants.

       During the meeting time, all participants actively discussed for some other topics, like proposal on both work arrangement towards all membership under landscape and garden association and approach on how to facilitate the development of urban garden’s green undertakings.